20 Diamond Rules for Ultimate Well-being by Ashraf Haggag | Book Review


Life is like an equilibrium, composed of an equal amount of certainty and uncertainty. People who are truly successful at this experience accept the uncertainty and are equipped to deal with whatever life throws at them.

Clarifying the different areas of our lives and looking at each of them is a way we can pull our heads out of the sand and stop pondering as to why things aren’t working out for us as we had hoped.
Why do so many people feel discontent, despondent and look for answers in destructive ways when it seems they have everything going for them?

On the other hand, how can people from seemingly impossible situations rise up and lead inspiring, fulfilling lives, changing others along the way?
The answer lies in their psychology.
Happy, successful people have a certain way of thinking, they understand what’s important in their lives, what makes them feel a certain way, what fills them up with gratitude, love, peace and calm and then they go about fulfilling these basic human needs by growing and contributing to the greater society.

20 Diamond Rules for Ultimate-Well being is a tool to bring your whole life under the spotlight, into focus and from here it’s up to you to decide what needs your attention most.

In this book, you will dive through and uncover the most precious tools and facts that will support you facing the daily challenges that life brings, not only this but it will help you maintain a balanced, happy and hopefully productive life


Ashraf Haggag

Release date:

December 1st 2018

No. of Pages:

Paperback, 178 Pages

This book is very simple in terms of language and the quality is really good too. It is a very well thought out and well written book. It is divided into 20 chapters as mentioned in the title. This book outlines the necessities of balancing the most important parts of all of our lives. This book has many tips and it's written from a point of view. It's not just generic stuff thrown together. The book also contains great quotes that I really appreciated.

I liked this book a lot because it gave me a lot of ideas to think about when trying to make my life better. I would recommend this book because it makes sense, is inspiring and the concepts can be easily applied for improving and living a fulfilled life.

My favorite quote from the book:
Good to forgive, best to forget.


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