Crossing the Finish Line by Sanjai Banerji | Book Review


Crossing the Finish Line', is a book on a six-months' running program to get you to the finish line of a half marathon. It is refreshingly different from other books on running due to the amicable narrative style evolving in an easy and smooth manner throughout the book.

Special needs of the woman runner have been emphasised upon with injury prevention measures and a section on the Pinkathon Movement. The author has covered a wide spectrum of issues on running and has exemplified the science of running by including lactate threshold, VO2 Max, cadence, and interval training. A series of 17 body strengthening exercises has been explained in an easy-to-understand manner with technique and benefits derived by the respective muscles of the human body. The author strikes a personal chord with the readers with his personal running experiences along with his choice of the best organisations involved in running and his inspiring role models. The nutritional aspects are covered in sections dealing with weight-loss, vegan diet, healing value of spices and, the importance of vitamins. This well-researched book will keep the reader engrossed till the end, whether he or she is an experienced runner or someone taking their first steps towards a fitter life.


Sanjai Banerji



Release date:

October 28th, 2019

No. of Pages:

Paperback, 240 Pages

This book is for anyone looking for some inspiration, not just athletes. I just finished the book and I am pumped! The ideas are easy to follow and the author does a great job explaining how to implement these in each of our lives, inspiring the reader along the way. This book is exactly what you need to get living.

The language is lucid and flowy. The author's writing style is also very unique and captivating. I finished the book in four sittings. It’s inspirational and practical, and you will be rooting for yourself before it’s over. And then you’ll realize you have a plan. The overall quality of the writing, it helped in making it interesting and fluent. I'd be looking forward to read more from the author in future.


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