Summer Holidays by Koral Dasgupta | Book Review


Three cities—Mumbai, Bangalore and Shimla. And a big family feud spanning over sixteen years. Summer holidays is a fairy tale for adults with a comic take on modern families, their ideals, beliefs and prejudices.


Koral Dasgupta


Rupa Publications India

Release date:

February 20th 2019

No. of Pages:

Paperback, 256 Pages

This book was on my TBR for a while and after my last read, I wanted something light and I came across this book. The story is about a family feud which has been going on for years and how Rishi and Mira, the two cousins make efforts to bring their families close again.

The book is well written using simple words, making it an easy read. The language has been very simple and lucid throughout the book. The title is simple yet perfect for the story, given what follows in the plot. The characters of the story are portrayed clearly and every character is finely justified to their respective roles throughout the book.

If you are looking for a light read in a weekend or holidays, you should definitely read this book.


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